Reaching out
Raising leaders through teaching, mentoring and outreach
The vision of New Life Africa International is to be raising leaders for tomorrow. We want to train and equip our young people to be confident and self-reliant and to serve each other with love and respect.
Discipleship training is provided for all throughout NLAI in different ways. For the smaller children, the focus is on teaching awareness of self and God. For the youth and the Garment Making students, the focus is on mentoring and encouraging them as well as building confidence and trust. We teach them how God wants to free them from past shame and to live a life of joy and freedom.
We also teach our staff how to be trustworthy adults for the children. As many of our children have faced neglect in their relationship with adults, we want to be good role models for them. We teach our staff how to be a good leader, and how to communicate in a respectful and loving way.

Outreach to street children
On Sundays a group of college students, called Mentorship Movement, go out to meet the children living on the streets. They play football, talk and share a meal together. They might give away some clothes or help in other ways. In some cases we have reunited children with their families.
As some of the college students might have experienced living on the streets, they have a special way of relating to the street children. They know what the children are dealing with and can bring hope of life changing for the better. It is very encouraging to see how our students have grown in their own lives and are now able to bring encouragement to others.