Corporate partnerships
Invest in the youth of Kenya with your company
NLAI has been in Nakuru for almost 30 years and our work is sustained by dedicated local leaders and supported by people from around the world. By partnering with us you help some of the most marginalised children and youth in Kenya receive equal access to education.
Your company can contribute to a vision that has a long term impact. You can support our students through school or be part of a broader development initiative. We welcome your company to come visit us and see for yourselves how your contribution can make a great impact.
Contact us at

- A new kitchen focusing on climate mitigation
- Maintenance of all buildings and building of a new dining hall
- Furniture and equipment for our buildings
- Holiday trips and events for our children
- A fund for supporting students in secondary and higher education without a sponsor to finish their education
- Support for our sports teams and scouts with shoes, sportswear, uniforms, equipment and travel expenses to national and international competitions.
- Jubilæumsfonden af 12.08.1973
- Rhodos Fonden
- Erik Thunes Legat
- Medarbejdernes Honorarfond i Novo Gruppen
- VMOK Børnefond
- Erik og Magda Sterregaards Mindefond
- Ejendomsselskabet x Aps, v / NyErhvervsejendom
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Faroe Islands funds the Garment Making School
- Menengai Oil Refineries Ltd.
- Y’s Men International
- Familien E.R.P.s fond
- Lego-medarbejdernes Jubilæumslegat
- Lærernes Missions Forening
- Missionsfonden
Thank you to all our partners and also our private sponsors. Your support makes a major difference!
- Danida (DK) in cooperation with International Aid Services (DK) and Filadelfia Church (KE) funded the establishment of a Women’s Crisis Centre
- The Kavli foundation (NO) funded students in the Garment Making School.
- Sundhedspersonalets MissionsFællesskab SMF (DK)
- Touraid UK sponsored NLAI’s rugby team with a trip to the UK. They planned and paid for a ten-day trip for twenty boys under the age of fourteen.
- Bikeaid (Touraid UK) donated a container filled with second hand bikes
- The wedding gown company Lilly (DK) sponsored hundreds of wedding gowns to NLAIs income generating project with a wedding gown rental shop.
- The travel agency Kilroy has donated used office furniture to NLAI’s office and staff room
- A container with tiles was donated for the building of the Girls House.