If you want to help us with donation you can use creditcard, banktransfer or PayPal. Tax deduction information can be obtained by contacting your local tax authorities.
Approx. 800 students’ schooling is currently being sponsored through NLAI. You can make it possible for these students to get an education either at New Life Africa School, at a local school, at a secondary school, at a training place, at a college or at a university. Learn More
Over the years NLAI had many volunteers both for long and for short periods of time. An extra pair of hands is always a help and NLAI is grateful for the difference they make. As a volunteer at NLAI one must be willing to work, want to help make a difference and be at least 20 years old. Learn More
You can give a gift to your sponsor child, by going to our contact page and simply fill out the form, please leave in the description for who the gift you would like to give, and send the price of based on the value of the gift. Learn More